Now that we have that settled, let's move on to more important things. I started a job this week! It is such an answer to prayer. While it was a blessing to be able to have time at home being a wife and working on renovations, it never felt like my calling. I struggled a lot with a sense of purpose and often felt like I wasn't using my talents.
I am working at the university in town and could not be more thrilled! I had some great meetings last week and am excited for things to ramp up.
One afternoon I had Pandora playing and Taylor Swift's 22 came on. The lyrics "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22" really made me laugh because that day I couldn't have felt older. I got a coffee at the student union building and was laughed at by the barista when calling for a grande. Apparently that's a Starbucks term not used on a college campus. Then one of the student workers in the department invited me to join in with he and his friends for a break dancing session. Ha.
Even though I look similar to my 18 year old self, a lot has changed since then.
My first week was great. I had plenty of time to get settled in and to start getting to know people.
Other than work, church is what is keeping us the most busy.
Nathanial has quite the reputation as the trumpet player. The older people get grumpy if he doesn't play each service. He was even called up to the pulpit to play a Jewish shofar (authentic ram's horn) in the week leading up to Easter. He has also recruited another trumpet player. The two of them along with a trombonist create what he describes as "a wall of sound." I would describe it as awesome.
Some friends and I sang a special last weekend during the Easter service and had a blast doing it. We're looking into making it a regular thing.
I have to work on my stage faces if that happens. I also need to make sure the photographer is further back in the auditorium and gets a better angle. :)
I'm still working hard on the Preschool Committee trying to improve that ministry. We have so many sweet babies at our church.
Nathanial and I have been teaching the 3, 4 and 5 year old class on Wednesday nights. We study different missionaries and the countries they serve. This month is all about Mexico which is so fun. We already taught our little friends some Spanish songs, played maracas and made tissue paper flowers. I can't wait to bring in a piñata for them.
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