We left Friday afternoon once Nathanial got home from work. I knew it would be a good weekend when he banished me from downstairs while he loaded the car. He really outdid himself with all the sweet surprises he had for me over the weekend.
We laughed about how the gray-ness of the day and the remoteness of the resort made us feel like we were driving into The Shining.
We arrived at the hotel and went up to check out our room. We were on one of the highest floors with a north and mountain facing view. Nathanial had me stay in one part of our suite while he got the first of many surprises out of his box of tricks. I do mean a literal box. He wouldn't let me look into it and was very specific with the bellhop about how to handle it.
The first surprise was a vase of beautiful roses which he had nicely arranged.
We exchanged gifts after a great dinner at the Double Musky. Our actual anniversary wasn't until the next day but we decided since the whole weekend was a celebration we should go ahead and open gifts.
I decided to use my design skills for Nathanial's gift. I wanted to follow the traditional theme which was paper. I created a print with the lyrics from our first dance. I sent a copy for King George to autograph as well. We'll see if he comes through this time! I also designed note cards with Nathanial's initials and name. I loved how both turned out and so did he!
Nathanial made me a gorgeous canvas with our wedding vows. I love the picture he selected and am excited to have a written reminder of our vows. He even made sure the border color was one of our wedding colors. Swoon.
One of the fun things about vacationing in Alaska was that our resort offered a Northern Lights wake-up call. The skies weren't very clear over the weekend so that wasn't something we got to experience.
However, we were spoiled by beautiful sights all weekend. Our room had a wall of windows and it was fun to watch the sun come out through the day. Sunlight completely changed the look of things.
This was the view in the morning.

We ate breakfast Saturday morning at the resort. The best part was the view and the strawberry sauce they had near the crepes and pancakes.
That afternoon we headed out for some snowshoeing. Neither of us has experienced much of the outdoors in our time in Alaska. Our friends speak highly of snowshoeing (and offered us their shoes) so off we went. It's been a really light snow season this winter so the trail we took didn't have much snow and what was there was packed tightly. We ended up taking off the snowshoes about halfway up and just hiking the rest of the way.
Snowshoeing selfie!
The temperature was in the low teens but with lots of layers and views like this we didn't mind.
Saturday evening we had an elegant dinner at a restaurant on the top of the mountain. It was accessible only by tram which only added to its grandeur.
Even the walkway to the tram was pretty.
You know it's a fancy restaurant when the waiter brings out a sample size bisque to welcome you and when your actual soup has a caviar topped scallop anchored by other seafood.
An edible anniversary banner might be another give-away.
The dessert was beautiful but not very tasty which played well into Nathanial's suprise for me after dinner.
I was a little disappointed going into the weekend that we wouldn't be able to participate in the tradition of eating our wedding cake as we left it in the safe protection of my grandma's freezer when we moved. Unbeknowst to me, my amazing husband had one of our friends with a cake business recreate our top tier. It took some major planning on his part as she was going out of town and he needed to transport it and keep it refrigerated without me knowing.
I have to admit when he brought it out along with some sparkling cider (and even the plates he thought to bring) I started to cry. I am blessed beyond measure to be his wife. He even had her include an orange filling like we had on our original cake.
He also brought our wedding DVD and photo album.
He put so much thought and effort into making me feel special on a weekend that was about both of us. I am so lucky!
We finished out the weekend with a fantastic couples massage. It was the perfect relaxing end to a wonderful trip.
It was sad to leave but the drive home wasn't so bad because it looked like this.
I gave Todd a framed print of our first dance lyrics for our anniversary too! Snowshoeing, huh? How very Alaskan of you :) Happy 1 year anniversary!