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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

Today marks our one year anniversary of being back in Texas. While I so love being much closer to our families, a big part of me still misses Alaska.  I think it’s the wilderness and adventure part of it.  I crave the scenery and the fresh air – and after my morning run left me sweating – I even miss the cold temperatures.

It’s such an odd feeling to still miss it after all this time, especially when I hated it for the first few months we were there.  Through of all these experiences, I’ve tried my best to be content with where I am. That mentality is what made me fall in love with Alaska in the first place.

I had to stop thinking about all the things and people I missed, and start appreciating all the little things. Several times through the course of this year, that’s been easier said than done.  We had only been back in Texas for a few months, when it felt like everything was crashing down around me.  My dad was diagnosed with cancer, I was having a hard time finding a job and we got news that Nathanial was losing his job.  My dad finished his treatment and received a great report.  I’m in a job that was tailor made for me.  And while Nathanial is still looking for work, we have such a peace that everything will work out.  God has been with us through it all and what I’ve learned is to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.  To find appreciate the little things and to be content in the waiting.